價格品牌網: 「Newstar 明日之星」9入100%有機棉二重紗純棉紗布方巾口水巾微風花園 推薦介紹特價 價格 575 元以及規格說明,價格品牌網-網羅超多新款澡巾/手帕 嬰幼兒浴盆/便器專賣店目錄相關商品,還有專賣 newstar 明日之星 2024型錄專櫃的優惠特價購物資訊!
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「本產品採用嚴選優良的有機棉紗,通過GOTS、OCS 有機棉認證栽種過程不使用農藥與化學肥料,符合環保需求,減少環境破壞,質料柔軟舒適」
・100% 天然純棉織造,觸感細緻柔軟
・This double-layer gauze towel of good quality (containing no fluorescent agent, formaldehyde and heavy metal such as lead) has passed the SGS test and the environmental hormone test.
・With its skin friendly, soft, and highly absorbent features, the product is safe to use and suitable for baby’s skin.
・It can be used in many ways, for example, to wipe baby’s skin, spilled milk, sweat, etc. as a multi-purpos.