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品牌: 「桃園市立圖書館」
特賣 價格

NTD 382 元


  • 內容簡介
  • 「美麗島事件」是七○年代寫下悲愴的句點,也為八○年代開啟了激動的序幕,沒有「美麗島事件」,就沒有民主化的臺灣,也為許多黨外政治人物,拓展了寬闊的政治路,呂秀蓮從歷史、政治、法律與人權各層面,深根索柢探討問題,允為美麗島事件最詳實的紀錄和剖析,實為一部經典民主運動史志。
  • 目錄
  • She Spoke for Taiwan, Also for You!
    Part I. 1986~1999
    1. To Share Hope With You
    2. The Price of Democracy in Taiwan
    3. Declaration of the People of Taiwan to the World
    4. Taiwan's 1994 Election: Reality and Implications
    5. Normalizing the Taiwan, China, US Diplomatic Relations Triangle
    Part II. 2000~2008
    1. The Birth of a New Taiwan
    2. A New Asia for a New Century
    3. Voice From Taiwan: Peace and Love
    4. Perspective on the Triangle of U.S., PRC and Taiwan
    5. Liberalism and Soft Power
    6. Taiwan's Miracles
    7. Bringing Global Gaps
    8. The Birth of the Blue Civilization
    9. Taiwan's Future
    Part III. 2008~
    1. Peace and Neutrality: Taiwan's Option in the Changing Asia-Pacific
    2. Peace, Neutrality, and Soft Power
    3. New Authoritarianism in East Asia
    4. East Asia at a Crossroad: Peace or War?
    5. Peace and Neutrality in East Asia
    6. Taiwan Won't Be Ukraine Next
    Part IV. 國際婦女大會
    1. Feminist Summit for Global Peace declaration
    2. Write "Her Stories" into History – Are We Ready?
    3. When Women Lead: Green Renovation Will Save the Earth
    4. Women Write Green Century
    5. Women Leadership in the 21st Century
    Part V. 特殊文稿
    1. Speech in Kaohsiung
    2. The Taiwanese: Miracle Makers
    3. A Hen Crowing at Dawn