Taiwan New Year Bird Count 2022 Annual Report

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Taiwan New Year Bird Count 2022 Annual Report

品牌: 「行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心」
特賣 價格

NTD 170 元


  • 推薦序
  • The Taiwan NYBC is organized by the Chinese Wild Bird Federation (CWBF), the Wild Bird Society of Taipei (WBST), the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society (KWBS) and the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (TESRI).The Taiwan New Year Bird Count (NYBC) is a citizen science project which aims to monitor the status and trends of migratory waterbirds in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands. This 7th report represents the results of the Taiwan NYBC 2021, conducted from December 19, 2020 to January 10, 2021.Our survey results provide comprehensive insight into the distribution and community composition of the wintering avifauna of Taiwan. This has importance for conservation goals along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway as it offers an in depth look at the site usage of a number of migratory bird species. The data is also shared with Wetlands International for use in the Asian Waterbird Census.As members of the global community, Taiwan will continue to do its best to monitor, share information on, and conserve the migratory birds along this major flyway.
  • 內容簡介
  • 臺灣新年數鳥嘉年華2022年度報告是由社團法人中華民國野鳥學會、社團法人台北市野鳥學會、社團法人高雄市野鳥學會,以及行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心共同籌辦與推動。本年報內容大致分三部分:(一)、科普介紹:包含潮間帶泥灘地的流失衝擊度冬水鳥、臺澳合作追蹤瀕危黦鷸。(二)、執行狀況:包含報導第8次的新年數鳥活動2021年12月18日至2022年1月9日,為期23日所執行的鳥類與樣區成果。(三)、心得分享:包含參與的志工及學生挑戰隊的心得文。我們期許藉由冬季水鳥的長期監測,能持續掌握冬候鳥的族群現況與變化趨勢,作為未來保育上重要的基礎資料。
  • 目錄
  • Preface & Acknowledgements 02
    Forward from our Friends 04
    Goals 06
    How the Taiwan NYBC Works 06
    Site-Based Results 07
    Species Numbers and Population Trends 13
    Open Data 29
    NYBC History 30
    Support the NYBC 31
  • 作者簡介
  • Lin Da-li, Tsai Chih-yi, Chao Jung, Scott Pursner, Wang Hsuan-Hsuan, Allen Lyu, Lin Kun-hai, Chiang Kung-kuo, Lin Ruey-shing