The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Touch and Feel Playbook

價格品牌網: The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Touch and Feel Playbook 推薦介紹特價 價格 444 元以及規格說明,價格品牌網-網羅超多新款啟蒙書 童書/教具專賣店目錄相關商品,還有專賣 puffin 2025型錄專櫃的優惠特價購物資訊!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Touch and Feel Playbook

品牌: 「Puffin」
特賣 價格

NTD 444 元

【麥克兒童外文書店】Eric Carle 經典故事集(兒童英文硬頁童書)
【iBezT】A Magic Torch Book Tiger(神奇手電筒操作書)
【iBezT】A Magic Torch Book Frog(神奇手電筒操作書)
【iBezt】Polly Put the Kettle On(Sing along with me附音檔QR CODE)
【iBezt】Five Little Speckled Frogs(Sing along with me附音檔QR CODE)
【iBezt】Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush(Sing along with me附音檔QR CODE)

  • 英文
  • 無聲音

  • 內容簡介
  • 這本經典的Eric Carle觸摸翻翻書,共分為幾項主題,ANIMAL SOUND、WORDS、NUMBERS、SHAPES、COLOURS等,裡面的圖像都是在Eric Carle的故事書裡可以看見,熟悉的毛毛蟲、123 to the zoo裡面的獅子、have you seen my cat的貓咪、Grouchy Ladybug的飄蟲等,不但可以學習各種主題,還有翻翻、觸摸等特殊的設計,是寶寶會很喜歡的幼兒書唷^^

      本商品為硬頁書(Board Book)

      In this tactile early-learning playbook which features artwork from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other Eric Carle picture books, first concepts such as colours, numbers, shapes and first words are introduced through textures, words and pictures. Ideal for older babies and toddlers, this bright, sturdy board book is perfect for sharing and encouraging interactive play.
  • 作者簡介
  • Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Barbara. The Carles opened The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Massachusetts in 2002.