班傑明•富蘭克林最早在《窮理查年鑑》中推廣的所有那些樸實的美德,持續鼓舞著一代又一代人盡忠於我們的國家。這些美德是:自力更生、自我提升和敢於冒險的價值觀:自我激勵、自律自制和努力工作的價值觀;節儉和勇於承擔個人責任的價值觀。——歐巴馬,美國總統,出自於《無畏的希望》(audacity of hope)
要愛缺義氣,要義沒權力,有權沒志氣,立志欠努力,努力沒收益,獲利少德性,全都是個屁。 Relation without friendship, friendship without power, power without will, will witho. effect, effect without profit, & profit without vertue, are not worth a farto.
曠世天才自己的王國裡住,好比金礦藏深處。 A fine genius in his own country, is like gold in the mine.
清白又無辜,就是最佳的辯護。 Innocence is its own Defence.
姑息壞胚子,結果反咬你一口;讓他吃苦頭,馬上乖得像條狗。 Anoint a villain and he'll stab you, stab him & he'l anoint you.
人心隔肚皮,西瓜再甜還是隔了一層西瓜皮。 Men & Melons are hard to know.
造訪當短,要像冬日晝短,免得你太快就惹人厭煩。 Visits should be short, like a winters day, lest you're too troublesom hasten away. (未完)